The updated dietary guidelines released last year further emphasize how we need to shift our eating patterns to focus on foods packed with nutrients. They specifically pointed out that most of us aren’t getting enough of a few important nutrients including potassium, magnesium, calcium, and vitamins A, D, E, and C. While all of these nutrients are critical, I want to focus on magnesium since so many people notice they feel better when they emphasize optimal magnesium intake.
The food guidelines encourage Americans to focus on getting their nutrients directly from food sources. For instance, you can help boost magnesium with foods like beans, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, spinach, and Swiss chard. When people start getting adequate levels of magnesium, they might start seeing improvements in sleep, mood, memory, cardiovascular health, muscle discomfort, migraines, and/or PMS. Since magnesium is vital to muscle and nerve function, it has the potential to affect all of these health issues and more.
When I want to further boost these magnesium benefits, I add a homeopathic remedy that includes Magnesia Phosphorica, or Mag Phos for short. I think of this homeopathic form of magnesium for nearly any type of pain that would be helped by an Epsom salt bath, which is really a topical application of magnesium. Mag Phos can help nearly any type of pain, but is particularly good for cramping and spasmodic pain that is better with warmth. I also think of it for cramps so bad they make you want to double over. Mag Phos is also traditionally used for muscle soreness and headaches.
It should be pretty evident now why we have put Mag Phos in so many of our Liddell™ Laboratory products. Look for it in our formulas such as: Pain, Back Pain + Sciatica, and PMS.
If you are interested in obtaining Mag Phos as a single homeopathic, you have the option of contacting our sister company, Energique, Inc. Contact them directly by emailing your inquiry to or by calling 800.869.8078.
Dr. Laurell Matthews, ND has a bachelor’s in biochemistry and received her doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr University.